What Does Peace Feel Like?
What Does Peace Feel Like?
Peace can seem so boring. What you’re experiencing is less chaos and stillness.
Equate your inner peace with unfamiliar silence and recognize it’s a sense of calmness. Some of us throughout our lives have yet to know what peace looks like. Trust me, the minute you taste it, you won’t want anything to come in between it. You realize it’s a feeling that has been missing from your life. Practice stillness in your day-to-day; do not take everything personally, and allow your energy to flow intentionally. Ask God for peace, and you shall receive it.
Trials & Errors
Trials & Errors
What comes down will always come up and be more significant than expected. Remain patient, resilient, and clear-minded.
~ Remember that 🙏🏿
Take Your Time.
Take Your Time xx.
Through the good & bad, take your time at everything you do. The slower the progress is, the more amplified the outcome will become in the long run. Don’t rush everything, nor settle for anything. Favor it, and give yourself grace. Ciao.
When U Feel Like Giving Up.
Stick it through, your breakthrough is coming gem. xx
Hold on a little longer. Stick it through gem, it’s only a matter of time before everything comes to fruition for your greatest good.
Remind yourself why you’re even on this journey, and don’t be discouraged. Stop being hard on yourself, your breakthrough is coming I promise. ❤️
Pouring In
Pour into yourself unapologetically gem. xx
When you pour into yourself all the love, joy, & positivity exudes. That light shines right through you looking like a glow. Begin attracting all the goodness into your life. Fill your cup even fuller gem. Show it off unapologetically. ~
Let Them Miss Out On You
Let Them Miss Out On You
It's easier said than done, but you gotta do what you need to do. Focus on how you can go beyond your “potentiality”. Get out of your own way and do not I repeat do not bypass your focus! Reconsider the direction your path is going and just be and while those who are encountering your growth, let them just see, do not explain it but soar baby! You got it.
Do Not Compare Your Own To Others!
Do Not Compare Your Own To Others
In social media today, it’s more tempting than ever to compare where you're at to others! I need you to remember that comparison is the thief of joy, whether you want to admit it or not. Trust me when I say what people post on social media, is just a snippet of their day-to-day giving you the perspective of how you perceive them. It’s truly deceiving, so do not wonder what the next person is on, or how yours can be a lot more elevated than theirs. You can guarantee your PRESENT moment, and consider how you can grant your mindset in an impactful way.
~A Life’s Thrill
Life can truly feel like a thrill
Life can truly feel like a thrill. Just when you feel like all is going smoothly, an obstacle suddenly comes your way! You can't even put words on it or describe it yet, I just want to say it's a test from the universe if you will be able to handle it or if you are going to give up. Recently, I have been dealing with a lot of car maintenance issues causing setbacks and delays; and you know how I’m dealing with it? Just laugh through it all as I encounter it.
So what I mean by life's thrill, is there's a reason behind every step of the way and you've got to come to terms with it!
Familiarity and The Past
Familiarity & the Past!
You have to be uncomfortable to achieve what you wishfully think about. First of all, that sorrowful mentality and remaining stuck on the past of the ‘horrible’ things that have happened to you, you gotta cut that out immediately and focus back to the NOW! What I’m about to say may be a hard pill to swallow, but you’re reading this post from one who looked for pity due to her unfortunate events.
Last year, at the beginning of 2022 I encountered what I believe was the scariest night of my life, I mean we’re talking about a life-and-death situation. I got into my first car accident on my way back from San Diego on a road trip with a friend that resulted in us flipping down a ledge that was over 10 ft. at night in the middle of nowhere. I mean, no car in sight could have witnessed this, yet we landed on all four wheels as if we were guided by guardian angels. At that moment, I could’ve panicked, but I was in so much shock I just remained calm, suddenly hearing my friend’s loud screaming that swoon me back to the reality of what just occurred. Moments into that night, at the hospital replaying the whole situation like how could a day full of fun & adventures turn into something like this? After a couple of days in California, I needed to leave right away regardless if I felt like I was hit by a bus, I had to be home, and I did just that. On my way home, experiencing even more delays I didn’t understand why I out of all people was going through this.
In all aspects of life, such events occur for a reason, and for that, I decided to not dwell on this any longer but, to make peace with it and cultivate it into something much finer. To let it go, that it had already happened and I either have the choice to remain stuck within it with my mind full of whys or move on and create space for my inner peace. I haven't looked back since.
I want you gems to understand that the past can be the past for you and what will only serve you is the present because you are capable more than ever to love you for you. Take it easy.
New Next Levels!
New Next Levels
Don’t compare your journey to someone else. A little reminder I repeat constantly. First of all, as humans, we do not have enough willpower nor the mental capacity to sit there and measure up to anyone else life I promise you. You’ll wear yourself out not considering putting all that energy into yourself! Mind your business, and focus on what level you're meant to follow. Unlock your level of capabilities without feeling the need to wonder what the next person is on, impress yourself, and learn who yourself is.
Understand the power of you by taking extensive time alone if you need to and be selfish about yourself. Don't play about you, protect your energy gems and create your inner peace!
The Power Of Acknowledgement!
The Power Of Acknowledgement!
What do I mean? The power of acknowledgment is defined as the recognition of the importance or quality of something. That may look like prioritizing responsibility or taking accountability. However, gaining such quality contains so much integrity that it conveys your willingness to adjust when necessary, your level of awareness, and your character development. During your day-to-day, notice the little things that make you feel offset, you never know how aligned you can become when acknowledging such aspects.
It Does Not Happen Overnight.
It Doesn’t Happen Overnight
It may take grounding and patience, but you will progress. Shit doesn’t happen overnight; sometimes you have to season it, let it marinate and sooner than you know it, the wait will be all worth it!
I’ve personally had moments of frustration during my blogging journey where I didn't notice much traffic in my blog from the week prior or so on, and a sense of discouragement starts to creep in. Such negative thoughts start to actualize for periods of time which then slows down the attention to my blog. After years of learning what I've gained knowledge in triggering my mindset to not believe those negative thoughts is to which then I continued on with my writing and put the faith that all is well. In due to time, I attracted the most views on my blog than I ever had. So yes, it takes time. When you believe and feed your mind all the goodness you tell it regarding anything you do and remain persistent, still, and hopeful, the progression quickens graciously.
So I say this to say, it doesn't happen overnight. Learn to understand when you put your all in something aside from its outcome because you truly enjoy it, take that as a reminder of your purpose and your greatest good. Take everything breath by breath, you got it.
Live The Life You Want.
Live The Life You Want..
The title is pretty self-explanatory, today's post contains living the life you want. Create the reality you've always desired. I recently just finished reading a book that I've had sitting on my shelf for quite some time now and it was certainly a pleasure. However, I decided to keep this reading momentum going, so I went back to my bookshelf and picked out a book I had read about two years ago called The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by no other than Deepak Chopra; a classic I must say, this was the book that made me curious about this journey of mine. So yes, I schemed through the pages I had taken some notes upon and was utterly surprised. I mean notes that I’ve written a couple of years back are suddenly coming to fruition, and I’m shocked gems. On the very back of the book, on a piece of sticky note says “multiple streams of income” which is fascinating to me because this is something I’ve always wanted to do and here I am today, doing just that. So when they say time flies, it truly does so make the most out of it and envision your dream life. Conquer your reality and take action for you never know what’s down the line that can happen for you.
Do Not Let Life Pass You By.
Don’t Let Life Pass You By.
“There is always time to try a new path in life” That is what today’s quote from my fortune cookie said. You may feel like when is it going to happen? It may be your sense of purpose or what’s next for you. Well, gem, don’t wonder and dwell, but consider taking inspired action. Inspired action as I like to perceive it, is moving on your impulsivity when it feels just right to act on it regardless of its outcome. The fact that you just did it is the first step right? Do not let life pass you by; take action toward discovering your purpose with no expectations. You never know what you can find.
The Power Of Success
Cultivate your failures today!
At this moment, I feel successfully abundant and prosperous. I fully understand what the power of success feels like. The ideas, the networking connections I’m creating with like-minded individuals, and the clarity this journey of mine is revealing. I may be ‘hiding’ away from the world yet I feel so full about it. My reality is coming to fruition, the challenges I may be facing are bringing me full-on lessons, and the rejection that comes about in my path is acceptable to me that everything I’ve visualized is near.
I say all this to say gems, that your success is near. The power of your success begins with your mind, what you’re subconsciously telling yourself day in and day out. Remind yourself exactly where you want to go whenever you fall into negative thoughts! How have you always seen your life at its highest height? The power of success does start with your attitude, therefore creating your outcome, and giving gratitude consistently.
Cultivate Your Fear.
Learn to go beyond your limits!
As impossible as it may seem, it’s always possible in my books! Sometimes you have to unlearn the negative thoughts you’ve fed your subconscious. Remember you have control over that part of your brain, and teaching it unique delicious words and positive thinking leads to a well-rounded transformation.
For the last three years while business planning for my consultancy, I had no idea how I was going to do this. First off, I was not as confident nor did I think my knowledge in entrepreneurship was worthy for anyone to consider paying, and to top it off I was so scared to just do it. Why is that? Yet I can work for someone with full trust and put in my all, but not pour into myself in the same way. I learned to cut that shit off immediately, it may have taken a long hard path of thinking and unlearning, as one day I decided enough was enough I could not go any longer working myself till I’m burnt out and also deal with attitudes of others that I can't stand.
That's exactly what I did, not thinking for a second to go back to a 9 to 5 and enjoying exactly what I love. I say all this to say gems, cultivate your fear, explore the root of the cause, and go beyond your limits, you’d be surprised by your very own capabilities. Best of luck.
How To Follow Your Subconscious Mind
How To Follow Your Subconscious Mind.
My latest read, You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero has been a game changer to my mindset! She briefly details the ‘Subconscious Mind’, which is what our mind believes everything because it has no filter. It doesn’t know between what’s true and what’s not true (p. 22). The non-analytical part of our brain that's fully developed from birth. For instance, if I tell myself “ I am successful” that is what I believe is true, although it may not look like it in my physical realm, believing it is what feels like I am.
While in my reality though, being present and aiming towards success becomes my reality. Does that make sense? Let’s get into how even to follow your subconscious mind gems.
Find a state of calmness and center yourself. That means getting ready to close your eyes and find an inner place to manifest.
Retain your focus on what you want as your outcome, and genuinely believe it. Remember my post about having faith? Believe it, and feed your mind great things that feel good.
And finally, trust it. Love yourself and follow your flow gems.
~ Take care.
When It's Time To Let Go.
When It's Time To Let Go.
Letting go equates to surrendering. Taking time, and breathing! Sifting through life and learning yourself towards pure abundance, your frequency tends to progress more and more. Then comes a circumstance, a temporary one that considerably puts you at a state of low that you may not like feeling. I’d suggest coming to terms with yourself and feeling the emotions yet let it go, allow and let go. It’s not always to control, but expand your navigation at a flow state, nothing less nor more gem.
~I love you, take care.
Having Faith.
Having faith is to believe.