As impossible as it may seem, it’s always possible in my books! Sometimes you have to unlearn the negative thoughts you’ve fed your subconscious. Remember you have control over that part of your brain, and teaching it unique delicious words and positive thinking leads to a well-rounded transformation.
For the last three years while business planning for my consultancy, I had no idea how I was going to do this. First off, I was not as confident nor did I think my knowledge in entrepreneurship was worthy for anyone to consider paying, and to top it off I was so scared to just do it. Why is that? Yet I can work for someone with full trust and put in my all, but not pour into myself in the same way. I learned to cut that shit off immediately, it may have taken a long hard path of thinking and unlearning, as one day I decided enough was enough I could not go any longer working myself till I’m burnt out and also deal with attitudes of others that I can't stand.
That's exactly what I did, not thinking for a second to go back to a 9 to 5 and enjoying exactly what I love. I say all this to say gems, cultivate your fear, explore the root of the cause, and go beyond your limits, you’d be surprised by your very own capabilities. Best of luck.