A Film Review Phantom Thread
Source: Unknown
An entitled bittersweet of a fashion designer named Mr. Reynolds referencing English-American fashion designer Charles James from the 20th century! Keep in mind the main character not the film itself.
Relating to Mr Reynolds’s love story to a young waitress named Alma ~
The 2-hour film kicks off with Mr Reynolds, the English Fashion Designer and pleasant to watch, doing his morning routine of self-care maintenance. He lives in a massive home within England with his sister who’s his second pair of eyes. An assistant who knows him to the bone regarding his craft as an artist. He’s a bachelor that fails to follow through in his romantic relationships leaving these women in careless despair.
The next scene, his sister suggests he should go to the countryside for a getaway hence the man eats and breathes designing. He visits a restaurant for breakfast, and is quickly enamored by the waitress who takes his order named Alma.
Alma is a young witty being, shes not English but Mr. Reynolds curiosity sparks for her which he then takes her on a date and the history of their relationship begins as he uses her as his model for his pieces and muse..
My review~ I overall thought the film was an interesting twist of a romantic film! I’m a sucker for romance films, yet this one exuded the character’s persona very uniquely. From the way how Reynolds communicates with Alma to Alma so accepting of how Reynolds operates and she express her subtle assertiveness. Although my take was short, I’d rate this film a good 8.5/10. The dialogue is out of this world along with its costumes. Give it a watch.