Rejection, Protection silvia richard Rejection, Protection silvia richard

Rejection Is Your Protection

What I want you to take from this story, is to not dwell in your rejection for too long, but move on and explore!

The title is pretty self-explanatory. Have you ever encountered false hope, or thought that a big offer is bound to fall through, and then suddenly something gets in the way and it doesn’t work out in your favor? You might feel like the world is just against you at that very moment.

Have you ever heard the saying Rejection is God’s Protection? Well, I must explain why that is very true. There are times in our lives when we face unexpected mishaps and want to figure it out or solve the issue. In today’s post, we’ll touch base on dealing with such instances. Rejection is defined as a dismissive or refusal of an idea, proposal, etc. Continue reading on ways, to ‘cope’ with rejection that might be saving you gem.

Whenever I’ve encountered rejection, which happens to be numerous times, I’ve always allowed myself to understand exactly what it has taught me. The way I analyze rejection may be different from how you view it, so keep this in mind. Anyways, there was a time in my life when I thought I was bound to get this dream social media manager position with a big-time retail company. I received an email a couple of days after applying claiming their interest in me as a potential candidate along with an interview. I was to take the next steps to create a mock campaign for this company, a major moment for me I must say! I went ahead and went straight to work mode to deliver the best campaign I’ve ever created for this dream ‘job’. I even took it a step further and told a close acquaintance at the time about it, and informed them that I’d love input and evaluation throughout the process to which they agreed.

Fast forward to gathering what I’d be implementing onto this campaign, I’m talking Pinterest pics to curating mockups from the company’s site and a prompted Powerpoint… I mean went in y’all, I was so overwhelmed with joy. I even made sure to explain per Powerpoint slide exactly what I meant throughout. Now it’s finally the end of the week, I went ahead and sent in this campaign I put my all in, and presented it to my acquaintance which she expressed was executed easy to follow, and lovely. Boom to me, for some odd reason was all the confirmation I needed. Finally, I made my composed email, made a clear subject line for this company, and sent in what felt like my pride and joy. Now it’s time to wait for the follow-up update from them, “We are interested to set up an interview with you as we are impressed with your campaign assignment” email. Only if  I knew what was coming, which was nothing. I mean silence, not even a response back nor a thank you, and you know how I took that as my cue and I sat with it. Did I cry? Absolutely no, but I sure took it with grace to only begin and cultivate this blog.

That was the moment I realized my creative sense and decided why not go full blast and share this hidden gift. See what I did there? I registered this rejection as a step toward who truly am I, and that was satisfying. I never looked back, took that NO as a personal sign to soar. Now I’m 3 years into SilviaNextDoor and I’m loving it! All and all gem, what I want you to take from this story, is to not dwell in your rejection for too long, but move on and explore! There’s always something better out there for you.

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Poetry, Simple, Bliss silvia richard Poetry, Simple, Bliss silvia richard


A simple evening poem gems, enjoy and stay blissed. x

I’m Slowly feeling like myself again 

The Daily walks are working

I’m Gaining so much joy in human interactions

I’m Balancing my energy in and out 

Not Dwelling too much in my head 

Maintaining internal peace & contentment 

I recognize myself again and

Feeling blissed 💗

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Power, Love, Humbleness silvia richard Power, Love, Humbleness silvia richard

A Monday Reminder: Do Not Water Yourself Down!

Hello gems, how are you feeling today? Expect this post to bring you into introspection.

Hello gems, how are you feeling today? Expect this post to bring you into introspection.

There are times when we humans forget that we’re humans, and it's important to remind yourself you are. That means checking in with yourself, loving yourself, and remembering yourself too. Gems wherever you are reading this post, recognize you have your own power regardless if you have not unlocked it yet, there is power within you. In today’s society, we tend to pour from an empty cup one too many times forgetting our personal dynamics of filling in our cups. That may look like in all aspects of life, whether in yourself or other relationships.

You gotta learn to love and trust yourself to attract as such. It doesn't mean doing a whole 360 transformation, but gems remain present and observe current situations from the outside looking in.

My biggest take for today is to never ever water yourself down or humble yourself for anyone. I don't care if it's a loved one, it’s not worth it at all. In the long run, you’ll only resent yourself. I’ve been in situations where I felt like I was taking up too much space, therefore, I’d stoop myself down to other’s level and end up getting the short end of the stick, absolutely no. Fast forward now, with age and becoming wiser, there’s so much power in listening to yourself while detaching from people sometimes. I now carry myself on my own, hold my head high, and recognize my power. If certain individuals amongst you sense that spirit, they may try to ‘humble’ you, don't cave, continue to evolve, and pour even more into your cup. It’s graceful when you do that. I love you gems, and remember you create your own outcome!

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silvia richard silvia richard

~Find Your Therapy.

Some days maybe heavier than others, but find your therapy gem. I love you!

Whenever you’re feeling weighed down, find an outlet. It may be speaking to a trusted person or writing about it.

As I’m relearning myself, some days are not always the best therefore figuring out ways to cheer myself up is through exploring expressive avenues. Last night was one of those nights and I decided on painting. Asked my sister who’s an artist for materials and painted away. Peaceful, calming to my mind, and indulging.

It’s very therapeutic to just ‘be’ with no restrictions and I needed it.

~All and all gems, find your therapy. Don’t tuck away whatever negative mood & emotion, express it in some way and feel it.

I love you.

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mindfulness silvia richard mindfulness silvia richard

What Are Your Priorities?

An excerpt relating to priorities. Ever truly put some thought into them?

What priorities are you cherishing at the moment?

Is it divinely you or selflessly curating a space and time for others only?

I’m curious, as an individual who has experienced many life circumstances I take pride in understanding priorities.

And when I say priorities that relays to all aspects of life itself.

For instance, my priority at the moment is learning the act of discernment. Discernment is defined as the ability to judge well; comprehending this profound value has shaped my perspective. Genuinely discerning energies surrounding me, and moving accordingly.

Priorities are principles that you believe are most important to you. Understand them and cherish them.

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silvia richard silvia richard

An Abundant March

May this month of March bring you prosperity, joy, success and more life. x

Money March as I like to say it, Spring is right around the corner and several upcoming events. I curated a mini excerpt on how to prep for the new month 0f March, so may this month bring you prosperity, joy, success and more life. x

Spring Cleaning

I mean it is self-explanatory, clean out unwanted clutter in your home whether it’s your wardrobe or even your fridge, just start fresh. This way your mind comes to terms with clarity.

Cleanse Your Space

When I say cleanse your space, I mean deep clean gem. Consider clearing out old energy and pursue into a ritual. Mediate, sage, do it all, it’s a new month

Make a To-Do List

Nothing too small nor too major, curate a to-do list. Something you’ve been meaning to achieve this year! Write down a goal, and conquer it gem. I’m assuming you made a resolution list why not achieve one of those goals today? Trust me it’s much more fulfilling when you get to it. Create your outcome today.

Balanced Exercise & Healthy Foods

I’ve been trying the balanced lifestyle thing, by eating enriching dishes that I cook at home. Eating less out at restaurants and cooking more! When I say it’s been beneficial for my gut health I can’t complain about that. Especially has a positive impact on my finances too, taking in healthy vitamin supplements that your body may be missing is highly recommended. Comment below gems, if interested in the recipes I’ve created.

I’ve also cut down on weight training at the gym, and walking outdoors a lot more! Considering mother nature has been beautiful nowadays, I’m absorbing it all in. Take 15 minutes out of your day to get some steps in. You won’t regret it gems.

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mental health silvia richard mental health silvia richard

~I Feel Good~

A sense of clarity and a mini milestone!

I feel good, the month flying by like a breeze. It’s delightful to say I feel good. That sense of productivity these last couple of months where things are slowly brewing and progress is finally happening, it’s nice to claim this energy.

Contentment to me is close to what fullness means for me during this phase of my life and I can’t complain. Believing that anything is possible I’d never thought I’d be saying this.

Remaining in this frequency is a sense of stepping milestone.

One may be curious to know why this feeling, but making the slow day-to-day progress is leading me to what my purpose is to be during this “phase” of mine.

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silvia richard silvia richard

Thoughts & Coffee

A morning poem during your coffee and tea time gem. xo

Moon gazes at me this early morning while slight chilly wind brushes up against my skin

In an optimistic mood, I was, yet in a deep trance

Brewing my cup of joe, and clearing the air by meditating as amethyst lingers next to me

Wishful thinking I grasp in this very moment.

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silvia richard silvia richard

Monday Manifestations.

Start your week off with a simple Monday Manifestation gem!

Good day gems

I hope all is well after what felt like a long resting weekend, today’s post is a tad different than my usual content! I want your gems to set some clear intentions and manifest.

Simple and sweet, do the following to bring in abundance by giving your kindest gratitude.

Jot down whatever you’re feeling at this very moment:

Whether it’s feelings of contentment, joy, happiness, a sense of maybe sadness, or even gratitude. Write it all down on a blank piece of paper; while doing so, at the end of your scripture. SURRENDER.

Meaning let it go, release and surrender. Don’t try to sabotage what you may be feeling and open your heart to what’s to come to fruition gem.

Next, write down on another sheet of paper all your intentional goals and manifestations for the day.

*Remember manifestation is defined: as an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea.

Finally, gem, complete your manifestation with a simple meditation session and say thank you, giving thanks to yourself, and your belief (e.g. God, universe), and relax within this moment of solidarity.

Everything is working in your favor whether it’s in love, your career, or whatever temporary circumstance in due time everything will be okay gem.

You create your outcome.

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silvia richard silvia richard


A little bit of courage…

Consistency is the key.

Meaning do it again & again & again

Until it feels known

Exactly a promise you created for yourself.

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confidence, self love silvia richard confidence, self love silvia richard

Just Be.

I recently discovered how we as humans conditionally restrict ourselves to just BE while trying to reach our highest potential.

The state of being is to wander free whether it’s through your mind, body, or soul.

Show up as oneself and begin to look at the endless magic.

When moments of doubt start to creep in, I will simply be.

Nothing else to it.. just feeling it, winging it, and moving along.

It’s easier said than done right?

Just Be.


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silvia richard silvia richard

A Day In My Life As A Blogger

First and foremost, bloggers are honestly just regular human species that enjoy documenting what they love to do in hopes to inspire people or can possibly lead to other ventures within their lives.

First and foremost, bloggers are honestly just regular human species that enjoy documenting what they love to do in hopes to inspire people or can possibly lead to other ventures within their lives.

Here I am documenting what I love to do and that is to honestly learn and work! I’m learning to incorporate things I love to do within my life just to look back at these events to gain motivation and redefine my purpose. 

I’m on this spiritual journey/ path where I need to start taking my big dreams to a whole nother level.

Two nights ago, I had a dream of directing and planning a gym for a clientele of mine; mind you this was a black celebrity couple who were launching this gym very soon, and here I am planning the whole entertainment element of this gym. One of the ideas I came up with for this gym, is by recommending to promote a black active/ athletic wear business into the facility. I wanted them to emphasize being black-owned and the true purpose of this place. 

I told my sister about this vivid dream of mine, and she told me “Silvia this is a sign for you to start chasing your dreams! And that I need to start taking this venture into consideration.” Without hesitation, I started my day by going to the gym and here I am planning out my goals of where I want/ need to take SilviaNextDoor along with the other projects I have in store that I spoke about on my IGTV. 


This is just a glimpse of my day gems. Let’s talk about where I am right now since we're on the subject of what a blogger does and a day in the life of one.

I decided to come do content work at the Fair Trade Café which is the cutest little cafe that creates organic and authentic coffee and teas that are transported from brazil! This cafe located in the heart of downtown, got me ordering a jalapeño bagel sandwich that had juicy layers to it! They created this delicious dish by including sunnyside eggs, green onions, cheese, and black smoked forest ham. I couldn't have asked for a better afternoon meal. 


I also decided to take some OOTD for y’all since that's always highly requested and to be honest these shoes will forever be worn just an fyi!

IMG_9488 2.JPG

Anyways gems, we’re unfortunately coming to an end to today's post and I wanted to conclude to never stop chasing your dream! Til this day, I’m continuously doing it without complaining about any financial gain because I enjoy doing these things and I know there's God’s timing to it all! I’ll wait for my turn.

Thank you gems!

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lifestyle, mental health, health silvia richard lifestyle, mental health, health silvia richard

Do You Trust Yourself?

Follow these steps to manifest into the mindset you truly know of.

Photo by Les Anderson

Photo by Les Anderson

How to Trust Yourself.

Just think about it, we’re quarantining and you’re sitting here contemplating and questioning your life paths at the moment when really you have all of these answers at the tip of your finger. We’re so fed into society’s bullshit that we forget to face our own realities and that right there is the utter truth. Just reflect on this really quick, isn’t it so easy to implement negativity onto your life and easily go fuck up someone else's peace with it? Just sit on that and just reflect. So as I am sitting here doing all of this overthinking about a simple first blog post, I thought about ways you can still make yourself feel like YOU and trustworthy during this hard time wherever you are right now, because you are so worthy gem. These little things, I promise will be so life changing and beneficial in your ongoing and bittersweet journeys.

  1. Journal

    Write it down. I know it sounds cliché, but seriously get aligned with your emotions and journal down why is that you’re feeling untrustworthy about yourself in whatever the case maybe. I’ve learned that voicing your frustration through a simple touch of a pen and paper guides you towards solutions in which you've never knew were within you.

  2. Everyday You’re A Student

    Yup I said it. So you’re possibly positively not doing anything or just waking up at 3pm right… snap out of it, and go learn. Now that you have all the time in the world, why not go and learn or even teach yourself something you’ve always wanted to do? Consider reading; one of everyone's fav reads at the moment is The Power Of Now by Eckhart Tolle. Not only does this read self guides you within every aspect in your life spiritually, but it also shifts your mindset that can never transition back to your regular old routines.

  3. GiveYourself Time

    Take everything day by day and remember not everything is going to finish within the 24 hours of the day and that’s okay! Believe that pacing yourself can guide you through whatever that obstacle is so don’t sweat so much into that one thing! Once you’ve practiced how to pace yourself, the idea of “I can most definitely do this” perspective will fall into place so gracefully gem. Remember you only got you, so manifest in yourself preciously.

  4. Why Meditate?

    It’s proven that mediating improves your emotional health, reduces stress, and helps with anxiety. The anatomy behind meditation all begins in where your headspace is at this very moment. It also changes your mindset and who you are as an individual; it’s all about you gem! At the end of the day you’re trying to become more mindful and understand the “why’s” about you and that right there is already an impressive ability. Consider the following exercises to practice your journey of meditation:

    • Listen to a mantra and close your eyes while reflecting on YOU right now.

    • Sit still for a few moments

    • Get in tune with your breath, mind, and soul

    • Inhale & exhale for 2 minutes gem, believe that YOU can actually get aligned with yourself!

    5. Remind Yourself

    Remind yourself that you can get through it all regardless of any circumstance. Create your outcome and see what life has in store for you in order to be comfortable. You gotta face challenges that paves ways for you to become more in tune with yourself. You know deep inside that you got it and having fear is definitely okay, but facing those obstacles are good types of fears.


Photo by Les Anderson

Photo by Les Anderson

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